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Let’s delve into how conscious kink serves as a powerful tool for achieving profound healing

You may have asked yourself how does conscious kink support my healing journey. Here we address two of many points.

conscious kink

1. Meeting parts of ourselves that have been repressed

In BliXX we play with archetypes. Archetypes are collectively acknowledged energies like Dom or sub. We tap and embody those archetypal energies and explore who we are beyond who we think we are. Through this we offer the possibility to tap into parts of ourselves that have been repressed.

There is two sides to that repression:

You repress that part because you are scared and don’t dare to embody it. You know that feeling when you are scared of your power and henceforth keeping yourself small. Through embodying that you can free yourself and go through that fear in a safe and playful way. This is also known as the golden shadow.

“Or you repress it because you judge it so much in someone else that you never want it to be some part of you. There is also a lot of gold to dig, because as long as you judge something strongly you bring up a lot of effort into that you judge. Why so? Because eventually you recognize that part in you but you keep it repressed… Let me tell you it is time to unleash that part so you can see it from a neutral space! Embrace your conscious kink and explore it without judgment.

2. Triggering wounds and meet them from safety

Transformation happens if we dare to feel the wound that is underlying a trigger or strong emotional charge. In BliXX we work with that as in going deep into the body and bringing up stored emotions or wounds through bodywork so they can be met from a place of love. BliXX surfaces everything that wants to be met with love. Sometimes this can be a simple spank or a slap that reminds you of an early childhood abuse. Now your adult self has the chance to meet this part in you and give yourself the imprint of safety:


Safety is key for everything we do. And as you already know, this is just the tip of the iceberg of what we touch in BliXX. All of that emanates into actually EVERYTHING that you do.

Simply because the way we do a thing is the way we do everything. We bring ourselves and our patterns everywhere we go.

If you are curious to expand your healing journey with BliXX then sign up for our next Level 1 in May 2024, check it out here.

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