Conscious Kink play enables the experience of intense emotions in a consensual way, allowing us to rewire our brain and nervous system response to a trigger.
By injecting pleasure and care to past traumatic experiences, we overwrite the old narrative with one of safety and thus we heal the trauma and also limiting patterns. There are correlations between the stages of trauma healing therapy and the phases of a conscious kink scene.
1. SCENE NEGOTIATION: Negotiation of stable coping mechanism boundaries (limits) around triggers
2. SCENE: Rewiring the trauma through the body. The scene allows us to really FEEL the emotions, express them and move them so we can release them.
3. AFTERCARE: Injection of love and care into the experience which overwrites the old narrative to heal.
Increasing research shows that Conscious kink practitioners are less neurotic, more extraverted, open to new experiences, conscientious, less rejection-sensitive, and also have better well-being.

What can you heal with conscious kink?
• Shame and other limiting beliefs that we have around sexuality and ourselves –> Shadow integration
• Rewrite our wounds around our caregivers with the narrative of love and safety –> Inner Child Healing
• Epigenetic traumas around sexuality –> Ancestral Healing
• Increase our well-being, find peace within. Scientific studies show that conscious kink leads to more resourced and centred beings, with less anxieties and a higher level of emotional and physical resilience also.
• We learn to trust ourselves, that we can speak up for ourselves in our boundaries and desires, and trust the process. Learning to surrender due to this trust in the divine.
• Dispel self-worth issues by stepping into our power and leadership in all areas of our life not only in the bedroom.
• We learn how to use our sexual energy for our good and the good of all beings. Acting from a space of fullness instead of neediness.
Are you ready to level-up your kinky skills, conscious sexuality retreat and heal while you play?
We have 2 retreats this year, our BliXX Level 1 for individuals and open couples in May 17-23 in the Netherlands and
Rise in Love Couple retreat, one discounted spot open for June 5-9 and 2 more spots June 12-16.
See you there,
xoxox Beatriz and Ariane